About Me

Monday, August 3, 2009

Precious Little Memory

Precious little memory
engraved on my mind
Precious little memory
started the whole thing
Precious little memory
Makes me laugh at all random times
Precious little memory
Wants me to come back to you
Precious little memory
Wants me to feel your touch
Precious little memory
Of the Lazy day
Of the Breezy night
Of the Crazy YOU

Wonder Years

Oh Let me Go back to
The pillow fights
The coffee nights
The big old tree of neem
The huge dicussion on a silly dream
Oh let me Visit again
The constant Gossip
The green Park trip
The Trading
The Teasing
Oh let me be there again
The laughter which had no reason
The crying for the treason
The petty Jealousies
The pretty Fantasies
Oh let me hear them again
The I-don't -give-a-damns
The devil-may-cares
The friendly folks
The silly jokes
Oh let me see that again
Those years of Wonderfulness
Those months of Brightness
Those days of Freshness
Those minutes of HAPPINESS

Saturday, August 1, 2009

He Does it for a Reason!

God made us fall in love blindly
Fully Fruitfully Foolishly
Let it bloom
God made us fall in love madly
Greedily Gladly Grandly
Let it laugh
God made us fall in love completely
Let it grow
God made us fall in love wishfully
Deeply Dearly Dramatically
Let it unwind
Without you I am empty as a cave
For a glimpse I slave I crave
With you I am full as a moon
For a touch I groan I moan
Thats why!! and That's why!!
God made us fall in love famously
LET IT LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!