About Me

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


When I saw -A kid bickering me for money
That very moment I felt unclean,touched by that boy for a penny
Not even for a second did i even show compassion and care or kindness of any!

When I saw-A 16 year old sex worker
That very moment I felt disgust for her
Not even for a second did I think about the circumstances that brought her there

One day,with a broken heel i went to a cobbler
I saw this 10 yr old work,stitch by stitch,sweating under the sun
handed him my shoe trying not to touch him or get any closer
He smiled,took his needle and began his work joyfully like it were fun

I saw him work on my shoe,he sew it tight,checking everything
He inspected it thrice,making sure it was perfect
That moment it dawned on me, I've never worked in my entire life for anything
I hated people who sweated,looked at them like they were some kind of insect

I looked at the world through the window of my car
Untouched by dust,dirt and human brutality
The world was at my feet since i was born yet from reality i was very far
Unblemished by starvation, abjection and poverty

Why the difference between me and them??
What had i done to be such a snob and still have everything in the world
What had they done to be treated by the likes of me like they were phlegm
Who judged us?Who gave us our parts?Who made this confusing world?

As these questions buzzed in my head
I saw a kid crossing the street yelling "tea!tea!tea!"
He tapped on my knee,smiled shyly and "the merits of his tea" he recited
I bought it,sipped the tea from the ugly little glass,very dusty

When I saw-A kid asking me to buy his tea
That very moment I felt love for him
Not even for a second did I think about the dusty glass and the dreadful tea.
Can i change his life?and build a new life for him?

And I stand still GUILTY!!


  1. Very nice and noble thought. I like the way the character goes from one extreme to another in his views!

  2. wow..frankly this is the first time i ever read one of ur writings...its really gud deevs....dint knw u had this kind of talent....kudos darl....seriously still cant believe u wrote this...will call and talak to u this weekend

  3. Everyone has their own set of issues/ problems. Why care?

  4. @oldmonk true!! But then it would be better to proclaim ourselves as robots!
