About Me

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Confused insect running in concentric circles
The corner of sealed packet severed from its body
Short leg of a table being called stumpy by it’s brothers
The last drop of shower just too late to touch the body
I know how you feel.

A spider’s work of life treated as dust
The strand of hair losing its place
The screw’s lovely blush mistaken for rust
The weed pulled out for its genus and race
I know how you feel.

Time and again,the black-board unapologetically being erased
The balloon about to be pricked into a vaporous tomb
The words smudged by salty-drops in a letter, unposted
An apple’s core with its dying children in its womb
I know how you feel


  1. Took me a second reading to get it.. But was lovely

  2. How do you come up with outstanding metaphors like "The corner of sealed packet severed from its body" ?
    And your rhyming sense is laudable.
    You mock at the world in a very subtle manner, that half of the mediocre brains find it difficult to grasp and in fact will praise you for mocking at them, if they read your stuff.

    Long way to go. Keep writing :)


    1. "mock the world in a subtle manner" best comment ever!!! :D
      Thank you!
