About Me

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Did the welled up saltiness in the hammocks of your eyes,
                                                                                    subjugate you?
Did the watery tracings of crests and troughs on the cheeks
                                                                                     humiliate you?
Did the touch of your cold palms on your thighs
                                                                                     invade you?
Did the crescents of your nails digging at your temples
                                                                                    question you?

Looking at the outside
Shuddering in the inside

Will you ever stop?
From changing? ---No!
From diminishing--- I try!

Will you ever see beauty?
In nature? ---No!
In truth? -- how!

Will you ever be free?
From the world? ---No!
From your judgments---I can't!

Will you ever be enough?
For others? ---No!
For yourself---- never!

Please Stop---Why?
To Breathe! --- Did you ever?

Breaking inwardly


  1. From what I can understand, you are trying to explain the condition of some one in depression.

    But I couldn't understand the connection of these lines and in general, the whole theme.

    Will you ever see beauty?
    In nature? ---No!

    Can you please explain.

    --Satvik :)

    1. It is not exactly depression.
      It is not coming to terms with your self.
      And the voice within is questioning the person.
      So it is a dialogue.

  2. If it is not depression, surely this should be a phase on the way to Enlightenment. Only some one too keen in understanding The Self can do this.

    --Savik :)
