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Sunday, March 25, 2012

At Dusk.

"Din dhal jaaye raat na aaye,tu toh na aaye teri yaad sataaye.- guide."

I’m afraid to sleep
I’m afraid to sleep

As night steps in wearing its glittering dress
I’m frightened of its beautiful darkness
I can’t fight the memories it brings in with it
I lose daily, maddening myself bit by bit

I’m afraid of the dreams that the sleep will bring in of you
Again and again, I’m afraid of losing my thoughts to you.
I’m struggling to make myself unfeeling, object-like and opaque
Trying to bury you under layers of hurt, anger, tears and heart ache

How to get myself out of this abyss?
How to draw you out of my heart and dismiss?
Even the blur of an illusion of you or a distant dream can bring it all back
Just the vision of you can make me defenseless-oh! what a cold attack

And if I sleep
And if I sleep

The dream I can never have, will unfold, in an awning 
autumn will prance in, disguised as spring
Mirage will flounce in, disguised as Oasis
Hope will be tricked by sweet reminiscence with pain as nexus

And I will fall vulnerably
Into the hungry ravine again, naively
Foolishly painting with colors in wild imagination
Only to be rendered sightless after it’s completion

Powerful pangs shall hit me later causing invisible burns
As I try to soothe them with my unending tear patterns
They shan't appease, for my tears are acids of pain
Burning me, turning me into a mere meek membrane

But I’ll sleep
But I’ll sleep

With a tear on my face I will wait for the dream…
The cruel dream to sow daffodils on the bank of my heart’s stream
I know they’ll die just tomorrow
And again I shall weep a deep ocean of sorrow

Nevertheless, I’ll put myself to sleep and reverie
At least my delusions will be flowery
Then maybe I’ll sleep forever
Then maybe I can dream of you forever

Then Maybe.
Just maybe.

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