About Me

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Not just any guy.

Not just a guy who gives a bunch of roses
But a guy who waters a rose plant with me
Not just a guy who just laughs at my stories
But a guy who shares his darkest secrets
Not just a guy who compliments me
But a guy who constantly teases me
Not just a guy who sees the inners
But a guy who knows the insides
Not just a guy who sleeps with me on the mattress
But a guy who spreads the mattress with me
Not just a guy who overpowers me at dusk
But a guy who gives me beautiful dawns
Not just a guy who just ‘yum’s at my delicious food
But a guy who helps me cook rotten food
Not just a guy who boasts that I desperately need him
But a guy who surrenders, that he can’t live without me
Not just any guy
But My Man.

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